
depart from是什么意思翻译_depart from的音标怎么读

depart from

[diˈpɑ:t frɔm]

na. 背离;不合(习惯等);违反

[网络] 离开;离开,起程;开出

depart from

[diˈpɑ:t frɔm]

na. 背离;不合(习惯等);违反

[网络] 离开;离开,起程;开出

depart fromdepart from
1.翻译:离开…He departed from the text to tell an anecdote.他偏离课文讲起了一则轶事。The train is departing from the railway station at 6 o'clock.列车将在六点钟离开火车站。
2.翻译:背离, 违背On this occasion we departed from our normal practice of holding the meetings in public.这一次我们一反常规不举行公开会议。I can see that they are not ready to depart from traditional practice.我想他们不是真的背离传统习惯。

depart from
1.翻译:离开(某地):Our train departs from platform 3.本次列车从3号站台发车。This train departs from New York at 10:00 a.m.这列火车于上午10点整离开纽约。
2.翻译:不遵守,不合,违背,背离,越出,偏离(传统、习惯等),不按(传统、规定等)行事:We ought not to depart from that principle.我们不应违背那个原则。to depart from a rule违反规则

见:depart: depart from